Saturday, October 04, 2003

New Update Posted 

Brand new version just posted with some visual refinements and better handling for filters, sort & group and output options.
Filters can be easily added and better ask at runtime handling. Try the DEMO report to get a feel for it.
More to come....


Group Calculations Do Not Work 

Just a quick warning: Group Calculations do not work properly in the current version of FF! 8.0


Subtle Feature 1 in Foxfire! 8.0: Select Multiple Data Items in Lists 

There are quite a few new subtle changes in Foxfire! 8.0 that may not be easily visible so I'll add them as I find them. <bg>
You can now select multiple items in the Data Items dialog and move them over to the Selected list.
You can also change the Width of a data item in an actual report without changing its width in the Data Dictionary. To do this, right-mouse click on the Data item in the Selected List and choose Change Appearance.
Why would you want to do this?
Consider a field like Customer Name which might be 50 characters in length. In your report, you only want it to be 20 characters but there are other reports that need it to be 50. Solution? Just change the length in the Format Appearance dialog and it is respected in the report layout.


New Install Now Available 

A new install is available for the Foxfire! 8.0 beta. Please download it from
This new installation should NOT be used against existing installations (although you can certainly create new preferences, etc).
Instead of the old upgrader approach, we will be including an "Upgrade" menu option that will import existing Foxfire! files from an older directory and update them accordingly.
When updates are posted, they will be posted in both the FF80.ZIP file as well as this new setup so that way, you can either install a brand new alpha or upgrade your older one. But for now, use this to create your new FF80 directory.


Thursday, October 02, 2003

Updates to fonts 

Foxfire! 8.0 ---- change list of data items so that when data items are used in any current request, they appear in bold. When not used, they appear in normal text.

Use a Verdana or Tahoma font so it looks more like a List (a la Outlook, etc)


Monday, September 29, 2003

Quick Note: 

Just a quick note:
The Request Manager has changed slightly with this new release and some of the functionality has not yet been implemented completely. If you find that you can't use the right-mouse menus or other items, don't despair   - they will be added later.


Sunday, September 28, 2003

New Post: Better Layouts and More 

Great new features added and available in the beta:
Graphics have been improved in much of the application.
The default style of the report now looks more like the Live Design view, including:
Lines above and around the various group headers.
Option to hide the caption of the group header and footer
All of these options are also now available within the Live Design editor.
Just double-click on a group header and you can see them!
In addition, the request manager has been updated to use a non-Active Bar control. This means less activeX issues.
Onto the features:
 - the filter screen shows a sample Date dropdown and In the List filter screen. (Try running the request Filter for a sample)
The zip file contains updated FFREQMAS and FFRDITMF files based on the samples that will work much better for the new filters.
A full Install will be coming shortly.


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