Sunday, November 16, 2003

New Post: Cosmetic Changes and Non-modal Editors 

Some cosmetic changes on this latest post but also a new twist in the preview editor.
Double-click on an item and you get the Appearance (Format) editor. This dialog is now non-modal!
Click on any other data item in the report and you can make those changes directly.
This also works with the Edit Data Item option.
There are some problems in the Output area right now so don't try switching to a new format (other than report).
Also, you may seem some changes in the Request Manager Tree. There are now Exported, Imported and Batch folders in the root. These will be part of the new Import/Export/Batch functionality that will be better integrated with the Request Manager in an updated post.
Note: If you are downloading for the first time, download the Install and THEN the Refresh. If you already have a recent version of Foxfire! 8.0, you can download just the Refresh!


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