Saturday, May 08, 2004

Build 329: Full & Refresh Posted 

Note: If you only download the Refresh, you may get some errors when
starting up. Run the Verify Files option in the Administrator to add the new
RDI_GROUP field to your data items.

Disabling unavailable options for different output choices.
Added Sort and Group options to right-click menu on Sort tab.
Fixes for different types of output
Support for Importing FRX files now directly in Import New File option.
Fix for saving cross-tabs that created an error when generating.
More fixes for cross-tabs - cross tabs should work fine now.
Fixes in Filter and Sort screens to improve performance with large data
Changes to introduce new RDI_GROUP field into data items.
Be sure to run either a verify files or a new install when installing.
Cleaned up errors when connecting to SQL Data during upgrade process.
Build 329 now only looks at the rdi_group field to show the data item
grouping option.


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