Thursday, December 23, 2004

Foxfire! 8.0: Build 369 

Build 369 has just been posted in both interim and full builds.
Interim: Not available- see later version
Key Updates
Automatic Bug Reporting - when you first encounter an error, you can submit it directly to support for review. This can also be used for reporting suggestions.
Better Support for Labels with new UI
Better handling of Cross-tabs. We're still testing some aspects of this but it is considerably smoother.
When generating a report, a thermometer lets you know its progress.
A system menu now appears in the request editor that lets you choose different window styles (stacked, floating and side by side)
Better support for different screen resolutions
New Date Data item Helper. Go to System Administration and check the Date Items builder. This new feature looks in your Data Dictionary for any date fields and automatically creates intelligent custom data items that display and sort based on Year, Quarter, Month, etc. You can also choose to create filters. Check out the Cars Date of Sale as an example. Instead of having to remember to enter a date range for between, you can simply say
Cars Sold This Month or Cars Sold Last Year
and instantly get some results.
Various bug fixes.


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