Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Upcoming Seminars and a little offering 

For those who are waiting, Build 375 is an interim build but is available from - we're currently spending a lot of time on getting the upgrade process and administrative tools much more solid in the 376 release, coming soon.
We've also scheduled in 3 sets of demonstrations in the coming weeks. As a special incentive to get more feedback from you, the top 5 testers (those who send in the most reports) of each month will receive a gmail invite. What's a gmail invite? G-Mail is Google's new free mail service with a 1GB mailbox. It's hard to get accounts on it while they're in beta but we definitely want to hear from you so if you have bugs or comments to report, send them on down to and at the end of this month, we'll be sending out the invites.
Hope to see you at the demos!


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