Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Foxfire! 8.0 - Build 381 

Foxfire! Query and Report Writer 8.0 - Build 381 is now available for download:

Full Install
App Only

Lots of fixes in this one:

Labels. We've done a lot of work on the Label Editor so it works a lot smoother now. When you drop a number of data items onto the label, highlight a selected item and click New Line and all of the items below it also go onto the next line. You can also now right-click and edit text items directly in the Workbench (previously, you would have to remove it and then add it back in)

Sample Data Typos. For those eagle eye users, there were a few typos in the sample data as well as duplicate hot keys (thanks Bill Anderson for catching those at the LA demo!!). To get the full benefit, be sure to grab the full install.

Cross Tabs. We're not going to let you fill in partial cross-tabs anymore. If you try to save a request without specifying at least one data item in regular requests and two in cross-tabs, you'll be told otherwise. This ensures your data won't go wacky on you.

Relationship Finder. The relationship finder (found under System Admin) has been rebuilt and is very cool. I'm going to be posting a video on how you can use it to build your relationship tree up quickly and easily in the next few days.

Building New Expressions. The Duplicate Expression dialog used to come up when you were tabbed out of a new expression that was close to an existing one. Now, it only does it if they really are duplicates. Note - there is STILL a problem with creating new data items that we are working on for build 382.

Integration. If you were attempting to call Foxfire! 8.0 from within an existing application, Foxfire! would remove all of your SET PROC statements. This was due to a weird call in one of the libraries.

Various. Lots of other little crashes and errors (thanks to all of you who have reported them) have been cleaned up.

Keep reporting issues via the built-in Bug reporter (just pull down the Help menu and select Submit a Bug/Request a Feature) or through the blog.

We really appreciate everyone's efforts as we move to getting Foxfire! 8.0 out to you.

If you are having ANY issues integrating or converting Foxfire! 8.0, please send us details at support@micromegasystems.com or call me (Andrew) directly at 613-851-4496. I'll likely ask you to send your existing FF! preference sets and folders so we can try it out - but if you're in a clinch, give me a call and we'll see what we can do.



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